Thursday, January 28, 2010

Loved. Truly

It's been sometime since I sit down and really pour out my feelings here. Generally, I only updated the events happening currently in my life. I must say that it's been eventful of late. Most weekends being spent in town with valid reasons. A lot of catching up with friends and such. Life's been SWEET. I giggle more. In fact, I feel more loved than ever before and I can nvr be thankful enough.

The final week of Jan started off with the date with Mr Gee. Here I go again, huh? I took half day and we went to catch Tooth Fairy. He must be awfully urghed with me cos the 1st one was PRINCESS and the Frog while the 2nd, Tooth FAIRY. Sorry Mr Gee. But I'm pretty sure that you enjoyed the movie too. What with ur loud laughter and quickly used that 'What If' on me the very next day. But probably it wasn't just all abt the movie. I can't help but to giggle till the train doors separated us. Hee. :)

On Tues, I met BFF Sally. She was gleeing when she saw me. She carried a huge bag which turned out to be my advanced Bday present. Yay! We had a brief dinner at Delifrance while doing some catching up. Sweetly, she waited with me at the interchg till her bus came. Thank you Sally. For the presents, the dinner and most importantly, for the beautiful friendship. I am truly blessed with BFFs like her.

She's the one who started calling me Mary and it kinda got contagious till everyone started to address me as Mary in Poly. Hee.

Hee. Presie!

Today while I was busy tidying up the cabinet, Partner seemed anxious. She mentioned that she'd be going lunch with her friend and that she gonna pick her up. Okie. It didn't get any fishy until it was about my lunchtime. It's 1.30pm but she's not back yet. Wanted to inform Boss that I'm gonna go for my lunch. However, to my surprise, she's not at her chair. Hmmm. If she were to go to lunch with EC, I saw him at his level. While Big Boss' car wasn't there. Where cld she disappear to?? After lunch, I went back to tidying the cabinet. Then partner mentioned 5pm to celebrate SY's bday. Things got even fishier when Mags whisper2 to Partner. Not only her. Shortie was there too. Haiz. Shd I act surprised later? hehe.

Short while later, Mags came in with a big round choc cake. I was taking my own sweet time till they commanded me to come over as well. So we all sang in unity. hee. Sorry Songe. Your place was taken over by a CUTER guy. Boss let the VIP in. And we even shared a cake. hee. Thank you ALL. Haiz. I thot it was only recently that I got the late surprised bouquet of Gerberas!

The yummy choc cake. The best part was Partner told me she ate BK.
So I pleaded with Boss to ask me along next time she gonna have BK for lunch! hehe.
Turned out that Partner and Boss went BK for lunch tog. WOUT me! hmph

To partner, THANK you so much for everything.
U've been there for me.
Physically and emotionally.
I'm sorry for the ocassional farts though. hee

And guess what, 5 days to GO!

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