Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bday Eve

Last night, sis came home and hung a paperbag on my legs. How? Cos I was lying on the couch with my legs raised. Me being a spoilt brat, refused to take a look at the bag whining if it's not LV, I wldn't wana see it. So the paperbag just hung there for more than 5mins. Hee.
Decided to check it out and saw a Burberry's paperbag. Took a peep inside and saw a gift box like those meant for clothes. So I kept mumbling Hah, baju ar, later cannot fit how, baju ar.....But when I ripped everything apart, finally I saw a tiny bag. And it smells so so good.

I've kinda opened all my advanced presents but I'm saving this last one for the day itself. :) Thanks Babe! Segan la. It's been cutely wrapped, so sayang to rip it. Hee.

And EC was nice enough to comment that I looked CUTE with my one-big-one-small eyes (I gave up on my glasses). Thanks hor!
And worst, my bus uncle bubbled today. He din turn up and so I took public home. Yes. With my one-big-one-small eyes. Duh!
Not only that, when I returned home, the house was empty. Mom left her uncooked ingredients in the kitchen. Called her hp but it was off. The parents had AWOL. Nice! Bro decided to leave me alone too. Perfect! Now I'm hungry. Urgh.
Heard footsteps and suddenly there came hard knocks on my door. I shrieked. Thinking it was Dad. But when I opened the door, I saw a sec sch kid. Thankfully, he's cute. And he brought along my Vitagen. But we debated at the door cos he said next wk will be CNY but then it's the week after ma. Haiz.
And the best part is....I haven't start packing. (^_^)

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