Tuesday, February 16, 2010

tHe Past

Hee. What a long weekend it was! Filled with people from my past and it's a wonder. It all began on Sat. Bro sent us to NUH to visit Obek and I don the mask before entering the ward. While trying to locate Obek's bed, a familiar voice called my name. I was shocked for a while. Who could it be that recognise me in my half-covered-with-mask-n-specs face? Turned out to be my sec sch bestie lah. Whom I have not officially met for about ten yrs. Hee.

On Sunday after watching Taufik, met up with Syiq whom I haven't met for about three mths. Had a gd catch-up with her and I hope it'd turn all well for you babe. No worries la. We walked like almost the whole stretch of town and it's kinda peaceful since most shops were closed but surprisingly quite a few remained open.

You're skinny already lor.
Dun tink of losing anymore kilos else u become like someone we know.
Haha. Okie? Skinny so NOT sexy. Hee. :)

On Monday (became the day I was looking forward to), had that movie date with Mr Gee. ;) He had his KFC lunch and instead of getting me one egg tart, he bot the whole set of six. So he irritated me by asking me "Nak makan egg tart?" umpteen times throughout the movie. And I wasn't aware that he has actually placed the box of tarts in between us. I thot it was all along packed in his bag still. Duh. Nevertheless, thanks Mr Gee. U know for what. :D

When we were at Wisma, I bumped into Noelle. YEAH! Been so long since I last saw her and we were supposed to meet on 26th Feb. So had a super brief catch up cos she was wondering and blurring as usual. hee.

That's not it! We reached JE almost 8pm when the corner of my eyes caught a familiar face. Although I haven't met him in person ever before, I was surprised to see Dawson! Hee. He was BFF's fren in the first place. He knew Mr Is as well as SFTP. That's how small my world is. I knew Dawson since I was in poly but I have nvr ever met him. So almost ten years down the road, we're fated to see each other in person. Haha. Dawson commented that Mr Gee looks berg and like a teacher. (^_^)"

So that sort of wraps up my long weekend of pleasant bumpers. Anyways, sis finally bot me my bday cake last night and I shared with her n dad only.

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