Saturday, May 8, 2010


Mr Gee has started his nite shift again..
So gd news! I cld slp early but the bad wld be my mind wld auto wake-up in the wee hours
with the tendency to check on bb. Haiz.

Anyways, he had started on talking abt serious stuff which got me freaked out...A lil.
Got to hold on to our horses! (as BFF wld always says) Hee.
But I'm kinda feeling it alr.. Oh oh.

Anyways, work had been hectic recently but hell no! I'm not complaining.
Cos I wld prefer BZ than none.
Just check out the number of posters for the final lap of the graduating students.
And these were just half of the total number. geeZ
Almost left me with no space to sit at my own desk.

Had a gd laugh after I snapped this pic cos I juz realized partner was busy snapping pics at the same time.
Pics of her advanced Bday presies! :)

Was a lil shagged this wk cos been gg out almost everyday since Mon.
Went to Geylang with Mak since it was a hol for me and 67 juz had to break down at of all places, Tekka.
In the hot freaking sun. So we waited for the next 67 instead.
Imagine the horrid of 2hr 15mins journey from Geylang back to CCK.
I almost died there of dehydration and exhaustion. Hee.
the best part was I even forgotten to bring bb.
That was the first EVER! goSh.
And we din go for our FIRST cardio mix class.. (^.^)"

On Tues aft werk, went to meet BFF at the last min.
Accompanied her for the search of her 6th yr anni gift for the bf.
And aft tat I rushed over to give that lil surprise to Mr Gee.
Was pancit but had a great time.
BFF and Mr Gee on the same night..
Just perfect!

Took tpt on Wed and met sis at Yew Tee station.
We took mrt to YCK and changed to 72 to go over to Bibik's place at Hougang.
Yup! Hougang on a Tues nite?
It was plain crazy but got to do what was needed to be done.
Only to turn out in vain..Our efforts that is.
But then again, at least we had that dinner with Bibik.
It was a rare one and so the exhaustion was worth it.

Thur was another crazy wkday!
Mtg sis at JP to grab Mak's bday presie but since she gonna end only at 6 from Yew Tee, I had this crazy idea to walk frm NTU to JP. With iNiN in hand. Haha. But hey!
We did it..ALRIGHT! Well she headed home straight which is a mere one stop away from JP.
So history was made on 06.05.2010.
NTU to JP by foot. hee!
Was late of cos and sis was alr waiting at Osim for me.
yup. Got Mak that uMama thingy frm Osim!
It was darn heavy and we took cab home.
Not before getting stuck in KJE with us in the cab.
2 accidents occured.
Sis was lamenting that Mak's presie really cost alot.
$298 + $17 of cab fare. Hee!

Fri had to be as tiring as the whole wk seemed to be.
May gonna be filled with loads of events and almost made my mind blew.
iNiN decided to have our wkly chillout at the last min as usual.
but it was a much shorter one than usual as i was really really tired by then.
Mr Gee also was being 'sarcastic' alr so decided to head home early instead.

Now that the wkend's here, I have not much of plans yet.

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