Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is this love?

Took half day off on Wednesday to spend quality time with BFF. Since she gonna start her new stint next week, we decided to check out GSS. Been wanting to visit VS at RWS so we headed there for our first stop after a brief lunch. For being the one and ONLY VS outlet in our island (besides the Budget Terminal booth), I thot the collection available there was sufficient. But it lacked of their lingerie collection and their stocks do not have vast variety. But I spent close to 90 bucks on my first visit there. Bought myself as well as sis some stuff which includes Body Mist and a Tshirt. We took a quick round at the vicinity before making our way back to Vivo.

Not gonna miss the chance to snap a pic at the only VS outlet. Hee.

When can I ever go in to play jackpot?? Hehe.

One of the prominent sculptures...

BFF was asking why I didn't wanna snap from the front... Hee.

After Vivo we went to PS. The Daiso at Vivo did not have gd collection of the boxes so went to the one at PS. Got this PINK box for Anjali's stuff. BFF assisted in arranging the items in it.
I simply LOVE the slogan on the tee.

We walked from PS to Centrepoint. Had our tea break at TCC.
I had Mango Diva while marble cheesecake for her.

Just check out her GRIN!
Ppppsssstt... She even helped me finish up my Berry Nutty drink.
Tsk tsk. Hee.

I'm fattening as usual. :)

Anyways, after Centrepoint we took the bus to Marina.
She managed to get her pants FINALLY and then we headed home.
Enjoyed the shopping outing with her altho I didn't manage to shop much.
Hope to be able to have more shopping trips with her.. ♥


Yesterday met up with Mr Gee.
Strangely, he wld always be the one waiting for me although everyone knows I'm nvr late.
But I was alr at JP first last night and even managed to order myself a dress
and so he had to wait for me instead.
He came all the way from Lavender aft his CPR course.
We hung out at Coffee Bean as I passed his stuff from Korea.

Well he knew abt his Ginseng but he din know what else I've got him.
So handed him the Ginseng (he was freaking excited and for once I was invisible in front of him), the Kimchi seaweed, the Doraemon tidbits, the rice cracker from Starbucks, the Devil Tshirt (made in Korea lo) and the Teddy Bear from the Teddy Bear Museum which was clothed in striped T and a GREEN sweater.

My gosh he shocked me with his reaction!
With his evil smile on, he was happily adjusting the ears of the Teddy while trying to nag at me for buying something he didn't ask for. But well ya, his evil smile gave him away. Easily. Chey!
Aft that he pondered on where to place MinHo (he named the Teddy quickly).
Told him he cld place him anywhere except in his tank lo. HaiZ.

Aft receiving all his stuff we made our way to grab a Honey.
He doesnt even want the Market Honey to go with his Korean ginseng but preferred the Wild one which cost him close to 90 bucks. Suka hati lo.
Then we took train to IMM.
He got some stuff from Giant and we headed home.
He was so engrossed in storytelling me about something (which I alr forgotten now) and ended up having to
U-turn at CCK cos he missed his stop. Scolded me for keeping quiet instead. Hee.

He went home a happy guy cos he liked his Ginseng, Honey and MinHo so much.
Thanked me for MinHo NOT becos I was the one who bought it for him BUT becos MinHo's in Green sweater. Hmph! And for that I think I wld probably be the very FIRST girl in the whole wide world
to have bought her bf a Teddy Bear.
He chose to believe 'because I liked him more..' duH

I was so tired last night and cldnt help but kept blinking at BB.
Then suddenly Mr Gee smsed me. Woa an sms after more than 6mths (we survived on BB msg rem?)!
He claimed that BB wasnt working... I think BB slept with me.
But I replied him via BB and slept like a log.

Mr Gee bb me early in the morn cos he went to see the Doc.
No doubt he was the first in line.
Suddenly wanted to ask me out for BF. Aiyos.
Lucky I showered and all but then still rushed cos he's all ready.
So again he had to wait for me. Haiz.
Went to BPP Mac and had our BF.
Oh and Daiso had opened its outlet there (so convenient!) and I bought a few stuff.
Walked over to Sheng Siong to grab his live prawns... Poor prawns were still moving in the plastic bag.

For the record, it was the very first time that we met two days in a row.
Unbelievable becos he usually wld not want to meet me if not once a week ONLY or
the longer we don't meet, the better.

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