Tuesday, July 27, 2010

MaD bZ..

It has been mad busy for me for the past few days. I didn't even have the time to read mags. Hmm altho that's so unimportant. But reading a mag wld be a gd personal time for me. Was so busy till I had my appts mixed up. Hee. I wasn't this blur before. After the off day last midweek, I had to attend a two-day course at Hotel Rendezvous. Definitely a much better place (location-wise and ambience) compared to One North. And got the time to shop with Babe as well which was so so rare for us. So for both days directly after course, we walked down Orchard Rd. Babe did quite a few shopping (lepaskan geram betuls) while I tried my best to curb myself.

Went to trim my hair on Saturday and ordered KFC for dinner. Sunday was reserved for the weekly driving to Hougang. Sent Obek home to Bt Batok as well. Once home, sis chose her pics from HK, Beijing, Cambodia, Batam and Korea trips to be printed out at Lot 1. That pretty much wrapped up my wkend. :)

Monday came and I met Mr Gee for dinner. Yup! He got his 1k Hamilton watch finally. From Seiko to Tag Heuer to Omega to even Rolex, he has decided to settle for Hamilton abruptly. And if you think he has stopped harassing me abt watches, you're so wrong! Now he found another way to irritate me with "U wanna see my watch?" Oh boy! And if u think Mr Gee's rich, he's NOT okie. He has to survive on dry biskut till fasting mth. Gd Luck SayanG! But then again he might lose wt.. No no no! He can't be losing wt when I'm not losing a SINGLE gram. SobS. :(

So this is the pic of the exact Open Heart Jazzmaster.
It has a see thru back and he finds it amusing looking at
how that tiny stick in it swings vigorously.
Well, if you asked me, he DESERVED a self-reward for the hardwork he has put in all these yrs.

Back to the date, we were strolling in JP when suddenly I got reminded to collect the photos in Lot 1. So rushed back to Lot 1 just in time to do the collection. Hee. Becoming forgetful in no time.

And today met Nian to pass her some stuff and have dinner as well. Thanks to last minute arrangement, i need not go to Bt Timah and Nian came to JP instead. Hee! So we had brief dinner and she bribed me with U.D.D.E.R.S to go to WM with her. Hee. Ur so CLEVER! And now back home feeling oh so exhausted.

Nope. I'm NOT gonna be oh so free for the rest of the week.
Here's some of the things to do or attend:

  • Movie Date tmr
  • Dentist Date on Thur
  • Convo MarshaLL followed by date with Mr Gee
  • Hoping to keep it free and clear stuff at home otherwise have to drive Bro to fishing point way in the morn like 7am
  • Convo BaLL
  • Meeting up with SaLLy
  • Sis DnD

I'm so thankful that FB has reunited most of my chdhd frens. It's way better than Friendster. My sec sch fren just msged me at FB as well as Poly fren and later of the day, even my chdhd fren msged me too. I will definitely take a step back during Fasting mth and cut down all the activities.

Anyhow, a few pics of what I managed to take.

The Mackenzie Rex Chicken rice. A huge serving at $6.50.
The rice was a bit dry but was yummy with soup on it.

Sis bot me this water cushion for my office chair.
Kinda not used to it yet cos it made my chair higher and I have a long body. Hee.

Probably the best clam chowder around.

And Nian with our Mao Shan Wang durian scoops on waffle.
One word... YUMMMMMY! hee. ♥

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