Tuesday, September 7, 2010

it'S aLL about tHe mOneY

I can't believe my eyeS when I saw the blue note at the rd shoulder of KJE. My eyes instantlY widened in tHe morninG, wakInG my slpy minD up.
I was thinKinG who cld have dropped it at such a plaCe. As the next morNinG came and my uncLe went by the same spot, I sat up straigHt and looked out of the window attentively.
Remembering that it rained last nite, the note wld have been elsewhere or picked up by otherS.
Nvr did I expect it to stiLl be at the same spot, with Yusof Ishak's face staring back at me.
I thOt for some time and decided to sms Bro.. Since he's got a bike.

When the sun almoSt set, he finally reacHed home, chucked his work bag aside and off we go. Swiftly we were near the spot but Bro went too fast and I guessed I've misseD it.
We had to go all the way to corporation to make a Uturn. And bro decided to make anotheR trip. ThIs time he rode way slower.
Our EYes were fixed on the graSS patch at the rd shouldeR whicH was fiLLed with trash like tissue, cig box and such.
ThEn I spotted ONE! Quickly bro asked me to jump off the bike and get bacK.. He continued riding on slowly when I spotted anotheR!
WOW! TWO in totaL! What LucK!! Anyways, in the end we were late foR breaK-fasT but that didn't stop daD from griNNinG. Hee!
And both times when i got off the bike to grab the notes, Bro was consistently checking out his bike. When we reached home, he said he acted like his bike got prob. HaHa!
Despite the two rounds of KJE on that pathetic bike, I thot it's woRth the trip!! :)

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