Saturday, October 9, 2010

EarLier and earlier

Looks like my Saturdays had started earlier and earlier lately. Not that I used to sleep in till noon on other usual weekends but getting home by 1 or 2pm on a Sat still needs some getting used to. It feels rather weird to be home that early on a weekend. And having the other PM half of the day unoccupied. Had Mac BF again (been having fast fd for BF for 3 consecutive wkends now, HUGE thanks to Mr Gee) this morning. Planned to watch Eat Pray Love but I didnt have the heart to bore him with a chick flick screen just YET. Hee.
So we went to IMM instead and gosh, he got himself those sand hour glass. Don't ask me what he's gonna use them for but all I know now, I cld already imagine the stuff he has at home. Well, at least I managed to grab some fave tiny gift cards similar to those I bot in KL's Kinokuniya! Hmmm now I know where to go for such cards already. Yay! :)
Yeah so we met early again this morning besides the fact that I only reached home ard 1215 in the wee hours. The event last nite although short, we were quite drained out becos it happened aft a Fri usual working hours. But then again, why shd I complain when I got the perks of watching free screening of the following comedy! Whatmore, this was the first time in history that we booked the whole theatre and u kinda knew everyone in the seats. Hee! The movie was humorous plus the fact that it does somehow squeezed in a lil motivation (talking abt dreams).
I'm pretty sure everyone had a gd laugh.

I've got Mr Gee all to myself this morning and now I'm not sure what to do for the rest of the day. Mom... I'm all yours! Execute some plans please....

And I think I still got that black pepper on my tooth since bf. hEE!

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