Sunday, October 17, 2010


Frankly, I do not have the mood to update anything at all. Altho in the upcoming recess week, there's something to look forward to. But tmr being a Monday and Mr Gee gonna be away for two freaking weeks, dun really help much. hEE!

Since I was fasting on Thur, had a last minute break-fast at Pastamania West MaLL.
1st time met sYiq there and ended it with U.D.D.E.R.S!
Oh now I'm missing Nian!
Come home sOOn...

Watched Eat Pray Love with partner.
Kinda long story but survived it!
And rem the funny parts as well.
"Listen to KETUT..."

Had an ultra long HotDawg from Botak Jones.
Altho salty, still finished it up!

Met Sally and watched the above at Vivo after a Sat's shift.
Had a pretty long Sat!

Started Sunday with Mac (AGAIN!) bf with Mr Gee. ^__^"
He comforted me by saying it's only ONCE a week. tSk!
Anyways, no Mac bf next weekend.
And no Mr Gee for the next two weeks!!

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