Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate Januaries

Oh boy! My least fave mth is here and it's taking so long to end. Urgh! Don't you find it draggy when it comes to January? And recently a surge of bad news came rolling in. Although they're not mine to begin with but the fact that the negative vibes affecting those around me, I can't deny that I am somewhat pinched. :(

Let me see...Usually, a new year means old resolutions being renewed.
But this year in particular, I just dunno what to look forward to.
Suddenly, I ran out of ideas or inspirations to achieve. Bad.
Sure there's gonna be a major change in the family and a huge event coming Nov.
But for now, I guess I'm gonna take things slow.
There are plans indefinitely.
Will share when things are more concrete.

On a happier note, sis returned from SK.
She finally felt snow on her head and screaming in excitement that it all looked like dandruff.
I wish I cld have that opportunity too.
Anyways, she bot me quite a number of stuff. ;)

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