Sunday, February 13, 2011


Mom went out early this Sunday morning.
Sis and I woke up only at almost 9.
Went to the mkt tog (very the sisterly) and fried Macaroni for brunch.
Just as we were getting ready to have an extravagant lunch at Siam Kitchen (Dad's been harassing us to bring him there again since the last time he was trapped in Lot 1 due to the rain), Mom came home.

By the way, I've collected my $600 bday gift today!
My Transitions lens sponsored by Sis!
Very GEEKY sia. =___="

Songe smsed me today for a short meet-up.
Don't get him wrong.
He didn't specially come to see me all the way at my blk but becos he has a wedding to attend.
So he dropped by and passed me my Bday presie.

Woa first time after so damn long a guy gave me perfume.
CharmS somemore! Hee

Anyways he bragged for me to check out the price.
Did u paste this from sumwer else? Hehe.
THANK U Songe!
Okays..Better presie for ur bday this yr..tSk


  1. Songe go wedding like dat?! bag ol'skool sakk!! -shorties!

  2. Apparently Yes.. Mintak kena halau..Tapi majlis da nak abis...
