Saturday, March 26, 2011

On a Sat morn

Started the day early with Sis whining to go Brisk walk with her.
So we went our usual route as early as 6.50am.
Saw a busmate who's done with her grocery shopping!
Returned home and then Mom asked to go mkt.
Sis put on her (new) jogging shoes again and off we walked.
Finally can chill a lil now.
Can't wait to go meet the PSBF for a pocket-damaging jalan2 later.
Last night, Mr Gee and I had our usual weekly date.
We were alr seated at Banquet, CT Sq Mall but decided to eat at HK cafe instead.

His chick rice that looks not much diff from a Bibimbap in a hot stone pot.

And I managed to snap him unnoticed. ;p
Lovely ending to my hectic week.



  1. hahaha.. da upgrade to mat baju belang2 heh??

  2. Ish..dia nye baju random lo..Hee. ;p
