Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fat girl with Thin Hair

Not much updates for this week hah. Although I've been going home all weekdays except on Fri. Cos Friday, I'm in love. Yah Rite. So weekends started early for me for the past few weeks. Hee. We're supposed to go to the library to read on some books and have a serious discussion but thanks to something impromptu, I managed to drag him to the movies instead. Gimme a chance loh. We rarely go for movies and the last one was the boring Gnomeo and Juliet. Ermm I think so. Hee. I've been STRONGLY recommended to watch Hall Pass. And surprisingly, Mr Gee agreed instantaneously. Must be his good mood. :)

Anyways most cinemas having inappropriate timings except for Iluma. There's just something about Owen Wilson (and his special nose). His humour's just natural. At least to me. But altho Hall Pass was kinda 'dirty', I thot the storyline was nice and good. And I could rem this line clearly, 'They're like domestic cats scratching the door...' Referring to the husbands whom still ogle at other women in front of their wives. tSk. Thot it's one of the most relevant movies to be watching with Mr Gee. Somehow. Hee. By the way his elder bro caught us without us noticing him at all. Urgh! Wondered exactly what we were doing when he spotted us. =__="

It was a long Sat indeed for me. Brisk walked early in the morn then went to do a lil mkting. Got home helped mom a bit then watched a dvd called the Sweetest thing. It was an old story which I cldn't even rem abt three ladies and one of them was Cameron Diaz. Cam with her dance moves. Just so entertaining. Went out again to meet mom to go to Teck Y (again) but the sky turned gloomy suddenly and I didn't bring in the laundry. So rushed home just to keep in the clothes and went out again. It was all pouring and the lightning was striking consistently. In the end didn't go at all. Got home again and tried to nap when Dad suddenly shoved me his cpf letter with regards to the Medishield he's been paying on my behalf. So cldn't continue napping and PSBF suddenly msg me. And within that sec decided to catch movie at Rex (again!). Haha. It was hilarious cos I checked the wrong timings (the one at Shaw tower.. Since when they have movies there again esp malay one?!). We got the tics 5mins to 6pm thinking it was to start at 6.30pm. Grabbed OCK and rushed into the dark theatre. It was so pitch dark that we cldnt even see any numbers. Dammit! Ended up sitting at the 3rd row from the screen. Not that bad tho was so embarassing becos we were quite 'lost' when we barged in. Heh.

One of my fave actresses. :)

Oh bro bot me Bubble Gums. So olskool one!

The timings which almost spoiled our plans. And the hero looked almost like Ariel Peterpan. His bod was slurps. And when he silat...*melts

Me and PSBF! ;)

Our dinner..

Short and impromptu date. I LIKE! ;p

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