Saturday, June 18, 2011

Artsy Fartsy

I love how my life is getting back on track (hopefully) after those hectic hiccups although I know very well it will never be over anytime soon. But heck! I'm just gonna go with the flow and that I realised COMMUNICATION is very important. By telling someone how you actually feel from the heart and being able to communicate that accurately beats anything. Just be honest and avoid any miscomm.

Emos aside, spent almost a day with Mr Gee. We thot we had the day planned so well with initially bf, lunch and dinner. But bf was cancelled at the las min so we're supposed to just lunch and dinner. Reached ASM before noon and we spent like 2.5hrs in that 10-finger architecture. Thot it wld be as vibrant inside but nah. Hee. The main galleries were in the Basement while the upper levels basically consist of the information of the building and some other inventions.

Anyways, we didn't snap pic from Vincent Van Gogh becos photography prohibited and that the exhibition itself is kinda dark. Was reading the story and sadness filled me up instantly. He actually had this mental illness and he took his own life, dying in his bro's arms.

Shipwrecked consists of many2 plates and such from the Tang dynasty while Dali was filled with boobs and more boobs.. Pics were taken mainly by him. Hee. Didn't find any interesting souvenirs to grab by the way.

We had a hearty late lunch at Popeyes and that lasted us all the way till night. Watched Laddaland which got the movie-goers screamed and then giggled. The Thai thriller had a Burmese ghost. Heh.


The main icon for Shipwrecked!

We got a random Maid to help us snap this pic. Hee.

Mr Gee instructed me to pose right there.
Dono wat's his intention.
Dali had a thing with drawers too!

Hanging by a moment here with you?
Literally hanging eh.

If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to find this at RWS.
The bigger than life size.

Mr Hantu Galah.. Haunting. Eee check out his fingers!

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