Monday, June 6, 2011

Sophie Baby

Looked forward to the late Sunday afternoon cos I'm gonna get to see Baby Sophie! I was a lil resentful to go initially but got a reminder from the Mummy and thinking of her, I braved through the crowd! As usual, her in-laws were so welcoming that I felt far from awkward. :) So nice of them. Her MIL even packed me so much food. Even Sophie's hip granny Suhaila was der! Yeap. The one who acted in 2 Alam. Funny that I just saw the dvd recently and here's the main actress in front of me in the flesh. She was frenly and warm cos as I was eating she just grabbed my hand to salam. Hee.

Baby Sophie: Mummy y r u behind the polka dot black thing? I can't see u Mummy.
Hee. She's so irresistable.

Baby Sophie: Urmm let's pretend that I'm sleepy. Yaaaaaaaawns.
Maybe Aunty will return me to Mummy..


And thanks Ah Wei and Ah Nian. For the impromptu late Sunday night movie. Been a very very long time since I watched a 9.30pm show. Had a gd laugh too! =)

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