Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Druggist Gang

I dunno why but I'm quite close to my sis' frens. And I'm not even intimidated by their genius brains. Becos they are truly humble and cool geeks! Hee.

Here's the Bday Girl! Belated that is.
She's from RGS n RJC. Can u believe tat?
Hee. But she's cool.
Travelled with her and such.
She's been with sis since 2000.
That's like more than a decade ago!
I love how simply frenship cld last and pull tru the tests of time. :)

And u wanna know what's her bday presies were??
Face mist makeup base, bumble bee coin bank, Ipoda (no kidding!) bunny Iphone cover, F21 corduroy jacket, Mac primer. Just from the four of us!
Not forgetting the huge balloon.
A group of poly students even screamed Happy Bday to her while she walked past them. tsk

the foursome of us!
Just cos the bday girl wanted to try to snap with my Instax.
Not bad for her first shot!

And a groupie pic!
I'm so glad for my sis who has wonderful frens!
They're all in the pharmaceutical line btw.

And see! This biker managed to catch up with us!
Ching even drove at 110 yet she managed to whizz past us.

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