Saturday, October 22, 2011

All in a week..

Love how the week turns out.
Cos squeezed in a movie in midweek and a Lil India trip!

Had to do a phone booking becos the GV web was down up till 4pm+ and only to find out that the booking was cleared since we didn't collect the tics half an hr before showtime. =_='
Told her I wasn't informed and she allowed us to buy over the counter.
Thankfully, there were still gd seats avail.

For Chris Evans' sake, it's all worth the trouble. :)

The authentic Nasi Briyani..
That's not it..
We persevered and ordered this.

The even more authentic tosai!
Check out the gravy!
Power or what! hee.
Nak lagi....

And I so itchy had my leg done up.
Shd've done it on my left instead. hah.

1 comment:

  1. ak arhh nak pi lagi!! next time, i shud juz stick to my briyani and masala paper thosai only.. (:
