Saturday, December 17, 2011


Friday was so much fun and LOVE! ;) Becos I met him right aft work for the 2nd date in a row. I know no big deal right but it's just so rare for us to be mtg 2days straight. And he gave me the privilege of planning the night out. Initially wanted to go to Farrer Park for dinner but LPS seems to be a better vicinity. Since I had a hearty lunch, I decided to order something light instead. And yeah I was whining to go down to town to see the blue blue xmas lights! And I kinda rewarded myself with Tiffany! For 2011? hee. :) All those shopping, the carols, the street performances and the lights...U can't help but feel the hol mood too.

Maybe just maybe, he was having this brilliant idea to go bf on Sat morn as well! I was rather apprehensive at first but then again gotta grab the chance which God knows when it will happen ever again. Hee. So we wanted to meet early like 9.30am and I just cldnt bring myself to slp aft 7am. So I got ready and waited for the cue to go out. When the unexpected happened. Toa Payoh to Marina train down. Thinking it's not even in my way so there shdn't be a prob. But apparently the oncoming train doesnt seem to come at all and no waiting time shown. :(

After abt 10mins alerted him and he had to come by cck instead. hee. So we kinda rushed our morn. Hey GOOD NEWS! Awfully Choc has opened at JP! Best nye! Planned to actually laze the rest of my Sat off but then sis wanted me to come along for her meet with her fren. And they're heading to a place called Rochester. Abt 500m from BV station. Dempsey-like. After which we went south to Vivo and then finally home. Gotta send the parents to Jelapang and yes! Now in my PJs alr.

Just realised that LPS had a variety of satay from duck, babat, turkey, mutton etc.
He settled for Turkey and mutton. While I ordered for wings.

And maggie goreng. Alamak tak sedap.
Nothing's nice at LPS actually.

We jalan2 at town and saw this Tiff tree! :D
Becos we wanted to walk over to OC.

The blue's mine! Cotton Candy.
His was cheesecake.

Self-reward. Kesian eh?

RED RIBBON in collab with Xmas!
While I'm superb happy with my new studs, can't help but feel low as I had misplaced my Swarozski pink studs yet again. :(
Pls pls pls reappear again will ya?
Searched all my pouches and bags but to no avail.
They're my fave studs.

The biggest Creme Brulee EVER from Play House.
Not so sedap cos I tink Creme Brulee are meant to be tiny. :)

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