Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh geez..

I was all geared up to load the Bali pics but to my dismay, saw the cam missing from the drawer. Sis must have taken it with her today. Geez. Sibuk je. Haven't delete those censored pics where my thunder thighs were over exposed. I myself felt disgusted looking at them. eeeks.

Bali was so near yet so far. Cldn't finish watching my Hindustan movie so continued the ending on the return flight. And I feel that Bali is overrated. No?
Probably just not the kind of destination I'd prefer. Oops.
Personally I liked Japan (the BEST!) and Korea.
Bondi Beach is waaaaaaaaaaay beautiful than Kuta's.
I did enjoy myself though.
Cos the tour wasn't rushing and it was kinda relaxing.
Just the kind of hol I wld need.
Will share more when I have the pics with me.

But now.. Will try have to try to switch to healthier food.
We dun even shop now except for salads. How sad!
That's my chicken sandwich with cranberry juice.
Waaaay colorful than his definitely!
And my babi is SO pink! hee.

A lil surprise from Shorties.
Aiya buat susah2 je. But i LOVE those hippos!
Can i not bite them? At all.

After today, I'm gonna lose one of the nicest and coolest Korean guy I've ever met.
Knew him since he was single and now married with a son. ;)
I wish nothing but the best for you.
Heh.. Sounds so like a song.

By the way, feels gd to be feeling single! gotta seize every sec of it! Yay!!

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