Saturday, February 11, 2012

Time after time

So I've met Songe today! Briefly. Nice catching up with him and it's been ages since we went on a date. Haha. Like real. He even proudly claimed that the Uniqlo minah envious of me having a chinese 'bf'. Berangan nye dekni! Hee.

Annnnd... I gotta check my scheduler to actually recap on what i've done for the week. Getting old in no time. Haish. Extremely happy this week cos I got to meet BFF!
For Pizza dinner! She got me a 'huge' gift box which was filled with MANGO wristlet, Esprit perfume and a vintage Casio watch! ;)

On Wed, had the first ever badminton session with my new partner!

It was a exhausting! And FUN. Looking forward to many more sessions! hee.

Friday didn't feel like work cos he came over. For lunch.
He even waited for me to end work so time flew fast.

We rushed over to Vivo for Billionaire. :)

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting

Time after time

This is how I feel about my BFF who's there for me through my ups and downs.
She's a true friend indeed and I am blessed.

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