Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sweet Nothings... ;)

It's been such a fun week!
We decided to watch Hunger Games and was quite taken aback at the crowd.
The theatre was filled up to the front row.
Ours was at the 5th row from the front. At the left corner. For the 1st time. Ever.
And not only that, it was a 142min show! Despite the duration, it didn't seem as long.
The intensity of the plot but it reminded me clearly of Twilight.
While he murmured Romeo and Juliet in my ears at the part where the District 12 pair wanted to die together so that there wld be no winners.

Moving on to Sat was the shopping date with psbf. She wanted to shop ard for clothes and mind you, shopped she did! Splurging $140+ at H&M (but for so many pieces, worth it!) and $90+ at Robinsons. Thank God I managed to control myself and (okays!) bot a H&M pants at $39.90. :)
Oh we watched tHe Woman in Black at Cine. Surprisingly still have seats and we bot over the counter. Yay. So rare of me to watch movies 2 days in a row.

Then we walked over to OC to check out sis' fren's Bazaar booth.
She's selling stuff from Whittard. And so glad that psbf bot sumting (ex!) from her.
If you are interested in getting the varieties of hot chocs or mugs, do let me know.
Just x3 the prices of those u saw on the webbie.

Yeap she bot the Mad Hatter mug (the holder comes in the shape of a key and there's even quotes on the back of the mug). Such a significant gift it wld make. ;)
And she got quite a hefty disct too!

I got the SKINNY hot choc for myself and sis' fren threw in the easter eggs as well as the Heart shaped Mallows (according to him it's Mellows ;p). The mellows was yummy cos it had that lil tinge of stroberi taste. She gave me a disct too!

Can't believe I stayed home the whole day today!
Forced myself to cycle alone this morn cos laziness got the better of sis.
I cycled for abt 40min at the usual route.
So scheduled my rather boring Sunday with the weekly chore of ironing the clothes.
Thinking I still have some ingredients left from the prev baking, decided to bake another round of cupcakes. This time, I'm sticking to Vanilla.
Showed him my skills and he gave me an 8/10 for the above bulat2 cuppies.

Sadly he gave me a 1/10 for this final cuppie. :(
Very supportive indeed eh. Somemore asked me to put some angry bird figs instead.
I was unhappy of course so I tried to justify to him.

With this. He increased the score to 3.5. -_-
Still commented comot la etc... It's supposed to be artistic ma.
U surely dun expect me to use curve ruler here to splatter the choc frosting.
Wait till he taste it. I'm pretty confident he wld give me a perfect 10!
But too bad for him, I cld guarantee that the cuppies will be gone before the week ends.

So sis dropped by her fren's booth today and grabbed me this mug!
Loves the details by her.

She even put those shredded papers at the bottom of the paperbag to prevent any cracks.
I simply love the dots and the half hearted handle. :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

So we were chatting abt revenge and such.
He claimed that revenge is poison.
I wld have definitely killed him long time ago shd I executed my revenge on him alr.
The conversation continues.....

Still sempat say my hands rough. Evil eh.
Dying alr dun care what, hands rough or smooth.
The quicker the better.
Aft that clever, he decided to chg his statement.

Mushy much? Dun puke now. haha.
Let's have a great week ahead!

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