Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tHe tenTh hour

We had already planned the night before on the venue and time to meet. He didn't even msg me on that day if he's out or what. So I just headed out as planned. He was a lil late and thankfully I didn't leave him behind. Else will be a totally diff story.

We watched Love Strikes! at Kallang Leisure Park.
Yeah. Of all places. But ok la at least now know what's there.
Not gonna go back there EVER again. Seriously.

Killed time at PS and went for dinner at Marina.
Sat by Esplanade (for the 1st time ever with him) accompanied by Ska music at the backgrd.
Thanks to the Mosaic Fest.

Then finally the time comes for us to see i Light Marina!
It was a huge event which surrounded the marina bay area stretching from Merlion Park all the way to MBS and to the other side. We only covered Floating Platform area.
Better than nothing! ;)

This is so cool. He shone the torch light at the mirror and this appeared on the wall.

I love this pic. Cos can see the reflection of the helix bridge on the water.

He whined and whined at me cos I wanted so much to see the i Light in the end he was the one snapping vid. Adoi.

Finally some design on ASM. :)
And so our date was from 1130am all the way till 930pm (10-hr date!).
As psbf said..'kalahkan org keje...'
Mana ada... Org keje got 12hr lor..Wait. 24hr also have.

Hey! Easter's coming! Loves all the eggs esp those in Cold Storage. ;)
But I bot the wrong one cos it's not even choc. :(
Malted milk instead.
Now my tongue's kinda heaty.

I'm so blessed too!
Prof's wife baked and passed me (okla us!) some choc banana walnut muffins!
He told me firmly to share with the rest in the office.
I just looked at him blankly before replying 'Am I that obvious?'
He giggled away. -_-
Within a day, we cleaned up that tupperware. Hee.

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