Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I believe... I believe... I believe... In LOVE

Not sure if this is my 1st MC of the yr but it sure sucks big time. Everything was a ok last nite until I felt like I had to throw up. Thinking that it wld end there, I was so wrong. It got worst when I tried to slp. Went to the toilet 4X the whole of last nite. Woke up feeling confused and weak and groggy. Still undecided if I shd see the doc, took the am shower and forced myself to take the tpt. Then was given MC. Took the medicine and tried to nap but cldnt nap consistently. Hee. And what do ya know? Bro came ard soon aft. He was on MC too. Hee. I think I shd give my house area clinic a try the next time.

Still cldnt believe tat he was der rubbing my back while I threw my noodle up. Only had tahuwey today and tried to stuff noodle soup but in vain. Let's just take this time to shed a lil weight off. 1-2kg pun jadik ar... Pls feel better tmr dear bod.

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