Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tasks all done! Almost.

Was looking forward to the wkend altho there was nothing planned at all.Only escorted sis to her pit stops and got my tasks done at the same time. Today had quality time with the Dad. Dragged him to the markets and JP. And then back to my baking. Gonna be a routine hah. To be baking cuppies on lazy Sundays. Was a bit under the weather with the flu bug. But I popped the yellow pillow twice today. Hope it'd be gone by tmr morn. Short week ahead! And what do you know? April's here. Time's ticking away real quick. Scary.

I successfully managed to grab a free sample of Shiseido eye cream!
Received a Cosmo mag on top of that. What a deal! ;)

I know I know. I wasted $22 for this pink casing!
But hey it came with the neck strap. Wld be handy, rite?

Here comes my baking frenzy yet again! Gotta try do sumting else besides these cuppies.
It's pink this time round.

He finally gave me a 9/10 for this one!
Sweet  S U C C E S S.
But I know I can do waaaaay better than this.
Dad's bday coming this Easter but we din get him anything at all. YET. -_-"

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