Sunday, March 28, 2010


I wanted to blog on last Wed but somehow I cldn't get off the couch and watched tv throughout till bedtime. :) While on Thurs, two BFFs called and so had a chat with them before continuing with the tv sessions. Yes! I'm a TV junkie which is from 7-1030pm nightly.

Many thanks to Partner's bf for giving my BB a leather clutch. :) Thankies!

I hurriedly rushed to catch my tpt on Friday but at the last min was dragged to Kopi Bean at JP. Hang out with iNiN from like 6 to 9pm there. We just talked about everything under the night sky..Yah rite! hee.. But it felt good to have such chats. Ocassionally.

Sat came and I went out early to Courts at Lot 1 before taking the train to Newton. Spent 1130 to 1630 at Sheraton's Dining Room. See if I could steal some of the food pics and put them up here. Altho the main objective was to just eat and eat, the thot of having to 'work' on a Sat sucks big time. Hee! But we went to do mani/ pedi aft that. Reached home at night...

Yup. She spent more than $150 lia0.. ooops!
And she had that disgustingly CUTE ribbons on her nails...Faint!

Today sent sis to JP then Mak so the irritating wanted to go to 400+ mkt at JW. Haiz. In the end only bot Sotong and Tongkol. I'm not gonna agree to drive her there ever again. Will stick to the old humble Gombak Mkt. :)

Just reached home and got sms from Syiq. Supposed to meet her like at 2pm only but somehow she finished up her thing earlier. So got ready in less than 10mins and we watched WHIP IT at 1240. Haha..Early seh for a Sunday movie date! Aft that we headed over to Bugis to have Zamzam for late lunch and bought ourselves Cloths! Yay! Now all settled. Was sunny so we chilled at Kopi Bean (again!) before heading home.


3/26/2010____ 8:59:34 AM___ Mr Gee: well chat awhile lo...miss chatting with u

HEE! I'm missing u oso lor...Haiz..Can't believe it's almost been a mth since I last see u..

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