Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the dining room

I had a great time with Joce on Monday watching 'How to train your Dragon'. Movies with her tend to be more giggly than others (except for My Sister's Keeper and Hachiko of course). Hee. Got home at 11plus and the bright moon - as well as Mr Gee (he'd better lor) via BB, kept me company home.

Last night when sis came home, she was anxious to see a green grasshopper outside bro's room at the corridor. Quickly she informed him and he went out in his boxers (smacks my forehead), grabbed the lidi broom and chased it away. Luckily for him the neighbors were not there to witness him. Otherwise he could be sued for indecency. haiz..

Strangely, tonight when I just returned home, the grasshopper suddenly came there at the same spot. Yes Songe! It's a grasshopper this time cos it doesnt seem like it's praying. At all. Hahaha! Told Mak and she quickly grabbed the lidi broom (again!) and said some prayers before KILLING it. Being a Boyanese, my Mak believes that sometimes people may use grasshoppers as senders of evilness. Now that it's been killed, I hope we wld not see it again tmr night. And prayed it was just a harmless one.

And so here are some of the pics of the spread for the Alumni Gathering.
Had fun seeing the students again, looking all prim and proper. :)

Partners in GLUTTON - we're wearing the same Tiff & Co. tags if u notice.. Haha!

And Boss still asked if we wld want to go for a second round in Apr. Gosh!

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