Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I couldn't Complain...

It was a loooong way to get to the mid-week. But oh am I so glad that it's SO over! Yay! Phew.. Boss asked (which means she requested me) to stay for dinner on the Tue. And I thot I'd be working a lil bit extra hour to maybe up to 7pm. But as the guests came in and everything had settled in, it's almost 8 by then... The blow came when she told me the catering guys cld only come by after 9...But I couldn't complain cos it's not often I was asked to stay behind a lil while. Furthermore, she wld definitely whisk me to Bn Lay mrt. The funny thing was I spent an awkward (well probably not SO awkward) moment with the Boss in the mtg room. She logged into her msn via her Iphone while I was in tru my BB....So there u go! Boss and Me in msn in the same room...Anyways, the more I couldn't complain cos she went back to office to grab our bags (yes! mine included) so that we cld just go back frm the mtg room directly. I reached home around 10.15pm. Probably one of the rare late nights at work. The last I rem was to send out hundreds of letters.

Moving on now, Mr Gee had given me my 2nd dp (display pic) from his spoilt VAIO. I couldn't complain cos I think he must've enjoyed giggling at my distorted faces but I'm pretty sure he's admiring them at the same time. Blueks! And stop reminding me of that so nostalgic song which nvr fail to make my hair stand. Eeeew!

Thanks for sharing ya! HMPH

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