Monday, March 15, 2010

tHe pOuR-OutS

It was a long week indeed. But thankfully the Open House was over and done with! Yay.
Although we only had three lab tours for that day, it was more tiring than ever as each tour took almost 1.5hrs and inclusive of about 40pax. But Mr Gee was sweet enough (or maybe he was just bored at work) to bb me all day long... Hee. ;P

MAE was next to our booth and they had this UDO (according to Mr Gee) placed near their booth. I was trying hard to find the wheels.

I was exhausted by end of the day but that didn't stop me from mtg Syiq.
Passed her those skirts and we spent almost 3hrs eating, window shopping and chatting.
I even had durian coil while she a durian pancake...Yummy seh!

Bro was sweet to have gotten me this cooling pad for my netbook.
But I dun understand the neon light..
It feels so Beng...

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