Friday, August 13, 2010

mR gEE's 29th GraNd Bday (according to him)

"Where are we heading?" asked Mr Gee.
Ok he so gonna pissed me off already cos he asked like a few times. Gggrrrr

The dinner was kinda last minute and I thot might as well make it a special one (although seriously I didn't do much). My initial intention was to just buy him a cake and probably send it over to his place (since he mentioned he only got two cakes so far in his life). He sure deserved to have a third one. :)
He even said he got the feeling that I'm gonna do just that.. EeeyeR. (^-^)"

Thanks to sis' DnD, I got the idea of dining in at Kintamani - Furama Riverfront.
He has no idea at all. Clueless.

We took the mrt and got down at Tiong Baru.
He's like "What's there at Tiong Baru?"

I knew we were to take 195 but I was really not sure of the exact stop.
Took the cab and we reached close to 7. :)

Here's ALL his pics..

Hope u had the best final TwentieS Bday, mR gEE!
And hey! It's Friday the 13th.. So u know what it means eh? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

The Cookie cake from Famos Amos.

The DIY card which took me about three wks.. Haha.

That's just his first plate...

And I had THREE of the above satay.. Guess who gobbled them to the last stick? Hee

His brownie cake from the restaurant.
The candle was accidentally blown off when he laughed. (^__^)"
I din even get the chance to snap a pic first.

8 pcs but we had two only and the rest packed for the Bday Boy. Hee.

Besides just calling to reserve our seats, I've requested for a Bday cake as well.
Not an amazing one but it was kinda fun!
Cos the staff sang "Panjang umurnya - repeat like ten times..." to him.
But I was more mortified cos the crowd turned to look at me instead as his back was facing them. Sheesh.
The BEST part was the buffet was one-for-one with my UOB card! Weeeeeee. Hee.
So the total bill was under $50 for two of us stuffing ourselves with the sumptious buffet spread!

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