Wednesday, August 11, 2010

tHat patriOtiC feeLinG and of beinG prOuD

Unbelievably, I managed to drag sis to watch the NDP at Lot 1 after much whining.
As we doubted if we cld just watch the parade there or we needed coupons, I simply wore my blue FBT shorts
(not those running shorts eh) and HRC pink Tee.
It was scorching hot under the late noon sun and I brought along my Trucker Cap. We took our seats at 4plus and waited while tanning at the same time. Kym Ng and Rafi (DJ from Oli) came on stage shortly with performances from Bellydance grp (duh!), modern dance grp as well as Paul TwoHiLL.
He sang two of my fave song - Grow old with you (by Adam Sandler) and Use Somebody (by Kings of Leon)!! Cool!
Altho we din get the Fun Pack, we got ourselves the SG flag.
And I must say it's pretty fun to be part of the nation's celebration.

The SG flag which made up of thousands of origami hearts....

How pro can CCK area be?? Got live telecast over to PadanG.

It was really really HOT.

And the VIPs included Mr Gan Kim Yong, Halimah Yaacob, Dr Amy Khor and Mr Zaqy.

I was standing next to the TP bike to catch the parade of the tanks and such.

Ah Yes! CCK was invaded by military tankS... COOOOOL!

I was bz waving my tiny SG flag at all them heavy vehicles and got the attention of this one soldier. Hee!
Most of them waved back and one guy from the fire engine mimicked at me to give him a call.
Well, I will call 995 when I've got the time ya... (^.^)"

Sis and I were abt to walk home when fireworks filled the night sky!!!
As I was busy wowing at them, I din even capture those beautiful moments...Hee.

It's nice to have fireworks at near ur home.. :)

And we sure went home as contented girls after the tanks and fireworks display..


Alhamdulillah, first day of Ramadhan has completed. And it rained today! Kinda looking forward to this Ramadhan somehow. Mr Gee will be rather busy preparing his own Sahur and such. So last night he cooked Sambal Chicken. I have no idea how it turned out or tasted like but here's proofs that he made it.

Frying the chicken cutlets...

And of course cooked the rice as well...

And then he sent me the pic of the chicken again.
He claimed this one cooked alr.

The final product.. hee.

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