Sunday, February 27, 2011


The weekend's gonna be over before u know it. Bah.
Supposed to brisk walk early in the morn. But nah!
All up only by 9. tSk
Drove to the mkt and Mee Soto was ready by almost 1 noon.

Okays. Dun ask me why sis is wearing her brand new florescent NIKE eh. =_="

Mom wanted to go Hougang so Bro dropped us at NeXx.
Was a lil excited cos our first visit.

Somehow landed at this mini sky gdn.
So we rested for a while to re-hydrate.
I had PINK Lemonade!
Err pls excuse the unglamorous tissue there. Haha.
What was I thinking!

And oh gosh!
If u wondered how fugly my transition specs look like, here it goes. Hee.
Was alr so slenge with the specs, the messy hair and the fatty self.
Wasn't spared from bumping into someone familiar.
Kena poke by Mr Gee's fren at the escalator.
As I turned behind to look, at first thot was a student.
But cldnt figure out who.
Then realised it was him. Hee.
Aiya. Altho I know not many pple at Northeast, still can bump into someone.

Sis with her Kopi.

We had early dinner at Mad Jack.
Look closely to see the choc cake!

And the NOT NICE aglio olio.
Even the sight of the clumped garlics erks me. hee.

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