Sunday, March 6, 2011

Part of the PLAN

Didn't really have much plans for the weekend but it all went good. Real good. :)
On Fri evening, met Mr G where he accidentally scratched my poor finger. tSk!
We brisk walked (again!) from PS to Taka to FarEast to Paragona and back to 313. =_='
The best part was he accompanied me home. :)


On Sat after sending the sis to work, got home and helped mak prepared Lontong for lunch.
Noon came and met Syiq after almost a mth of not catching up.
Well, she's definitely more tersengih sendri now lo.
Happy for ya!

Syiq and Aufa made me this colorful cheesekek! ♥
.: Thankies :.


Nian msg me las nite thinking of mtg up today.
Was a lil impromptu but thankfully I got her presies all done!

I love this pic cos it has a bright backgrd.
And nian was posing with her presie!
Hope u like them girl...
HappY BeLated BdaY!

And us on an early Sunday noon movie date! ;)
We dun always get to do this hah.. ;p

So we watched this movie.
It was also probably the longest duration that I din chuckle.
Cos the movie's rather serious.
And I kept thinking of Inception. Haha.
The moral of the story, Risk Everything and U might just get wat u really want.
Or is it? hee.

Finally get to eat at HK Cafe @ BPP aft a few failed attempts. Heh.
Recommended thick (really thick lor) toast by Fai.
And Nian & Me kept thinking how can peanut butter mix with condensed milk.
That wld be oh so weird. Somemore Nian was asking for Kaya instead. haha.
But it turned out to be peanut and butter (Separately)..
It was YUMMY tho! hee.

Now that the weekend's over, a long week awaits.

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