Thursday, October 1, 2009

the Ugly Truth

Yes. The truth always turns out UGLY at times. That's a fact of life I guess. Just like sometimes the truth HURTS. But nevertheless, I did had a good laugh watching the movie on a Monday evening.
Yesterday, had fun doing the brisk walk with a new buddy! Managed to do two rounds at the mozzie-infested Yunnan Gdn. About 50 crunches and 50 narrow squats (again) but still FAT today. YIKES! Cannot wait for the next one.
Since my PSBF smsed me negatively in the morning, I suggested to her cuzzin to give her a surprise visit! Waited at BP lrt platform for him aft the sweaty brief workout for a good 15-20mins (well at least got interesting people to see). hee.
We rushed over and grabbed chocs for her on the way. Hopefully, she will feel much better today. Felt low when I see her like this but I know she will get over it real soon. It's only a matter of time. And to that guy, you better watch your back cos what goes around comes around. Ya, u better be ALONE for now. ForEVER sounds good too. JERKs


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