Thursday, June 18, 2020


In abt half an hour’s time, we’ll be moving to Phase 2 post CB.
Shops will be opened and we’ll be back to our almost normal life.
But with masks, safe distancing and safe entries.
Nature’s really healing with so many wild flowers blooming.

And these are ours. Loves the pink flowers.
A gift from the husband’s bff’s mom.
Way back to when we just moved. 

The kid’s plant been blooming eversince Dad moved it to a bigger pot.
Bright orangy yellow shades!

And then this random plant tumpang our Pandan pot.
Looks wilting since its growing days but hey, white flowers spotted!
Probably chilli plant contributed by the birds.

And a thorny flower. not!
Yeah we had durian last wkend but the husband’s bff bought us this yesterday!

So thick and creamy!
And just nice without feeling overwhelmed with the smell and taste.

We even found flesh in between the tiniest split. 🥰


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