Wednesday, October 16, 2024

White flag 🏳️


Finally caved in today. Left the boy home alone for about an hour or so to see the doctor. What luck I got to meet the founder of the clinic and the assistants were friendly this morning too! Doc did not hesitate to give me antibiotics cos he said been a week. That yellow pills are yellowing.😔

So it’s really been a wk huh? And despite me being sick, I could feel your coldness today. Faham. Totally get it. Probably the best gift now and for as long as I remember is to doa for you. I’ll retreat okay. 

Lately, there’s just too many random stuff that happened. Like the acik swee heng called me Hajjah, the KFC aunties happily reminded me of the same offer next week, a random mummy asking for help to buckle her baby carrier on her back, that pakcik clearing my almost empty bowl of mee soto and reminding me of how much MSG  was in there. And today, the assistant asked me if nak bayar pakai nets tak which i replied tak nak and she giggled away. And at the supermarket a korean guy I assumed wanted to share my basket cos he was holding too many Kimchi noodles but he said he wanted to give one to the boy. And then I randomly saw a video of how you cannot be EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to things or people in this world. 

Cannot wait for next week to end pls.

Monday, October 14, 2024



“Malam, kau bawalah rinduku
Untuk dirinya yang jauh dariku
Agar dia tidak kesepian
Selalu rasa ada cinta agung
Hujan, bawa air mataku
Yang mengalir, membasuh lukaku
Agar dia tahu ku terseksa
Tanpa cinta dia di hatiku”

 ~ ombak rindu

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Peace… but probably not

I just want to hide under my soft thin blanket and forget the world. It has been really overwhelming this past week. With meets up, surprises and entah apa lagi akan pop up next. 

Been sleeping in the next room cos of my bad sore throat that made me lose my voice. It was hard as I had alot to talk about as usual (eh!) and syukur now that the voice is slowly returning. Haiz i think it’s just my social battery running real low and I need to hibernate for a bit. I’m still in the midst of braining the information overload for this week. The more I know, the more questions I have. Then suddenly feel stuck pulak. 

I really need to stay low for these two weeks but the prob is boleh ke? Nak tak nak kena paksa kan?