Monday, October 14, 2024



“Malam, kau bawalah rinduku
Untuk dirinya yang jauh dariku
Agar dia tidak kesepian
Selalu rasa ada cinta agung
Hujan, bawa air mataku
Yang mengalir, membasuh lukaku
Agar dia tahu ku terseksa
Tanpa cinta dia di hatiku”

 ~ ombak rindu

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Peace… but probably not

I just want to hide under my soft thin blanket and forget the world. It has been really overwhelming this past week. With meets up, surprises and entah apa lagi akan pop up next. 

Been sleeping in the next room cos of my bad sore throat that made me lose my voice. It was hard as I had alot to talk about as usual (eh!) and syukur now that the voice is slowly returning. Haiz i think it’s just my social battery running real low and I need to hibernate for a bit. I’m still in the midst of braining the information overload for this week. The more I know, the more questions I have. Then suddenly feel stuck pulak. 

I really need to stay low for these two weeks but the prob is boleh ke? Nak tak nak kena paksa kan?

Friday, October 11, 2024

13 years later

My Tiffany ring from the ex bf cos he passed his repeated Heat Transfer. He actually went to get it cleaned but can’t fit my cute fingers anymore.

Here’s the pic of me back then. Ultra filtered pics.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hard to say

No, you don’t have to be my #1 anymore. 
I would understand. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Freeflow tears

 I couldn’t believe that i have these much tears. Buruk tau.
Yesterday, right after I dropped the bomb, I called the bestie and broke down. Kesian member cuak terus. 
I cried sampai toes cramp. Dunno why supposed to feel relieved yet I felt numb. Woke up by bff’s msg at 3ish and cldn’t return to slp. Had to start the day after that. 
Mata koyak. Info overload too last night. Haiz mcm mana la tak emo eh. Eh apakah dia masih la tak tau blog aku?

Had a great time today with the NTU bestie. Been so long since we last lepak and she dragged me to have nsg. 
Laughed so loud as loud as those annoying fighter jets. 

Cool decor with straight to the heart quote eh. 
Bahasa betul. 

See lah. Every single time kasi macam2. Besok nak try that sunblock. Mana tau jadi putih skit or belapok eh. Haha. Oh then happy that the bff from mekkah sent video la pics la and msges. And today I called her mom!
Pastu i cried while talking to her. Slamat la suara tgh serak so the cries wasn’t obvious. 

And about that, hmmm. Is it i knew too many things already? Okla besok da tak kacau. Back to ….

Monday, October 7, 2024

Apa ni????

My reaction. Exactly. Dahla tak reply my last msg, tiba-tiba after what 1 mth eh? Sesuka hati muncul? Emo? I’ve been emo since my poly days eh. That’s 24 years ago.
So scary la. I just said I got questions with no ans, then today got 2 questions answered. Woah. 
Can I say I’ve got a bit more qns now then besok2 akan terjawab juga? Tak tau la nak ketawa ke nangis with this situation(ship). EH
Then now, left me h a n g i n g again.
Bagus la. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Think Pink


Woah! Is this my 1st ever pink phone? Not that it matters much cos usually I’ll case it with Kate Spade covers. But this time, cannot resist and we had to wait for 2 hours before we managed to grab it. The pink is pinking! No? So instead of the usual KS I chose a simple transparent case but a bling lens protector. 🩷

Friday, October 4, 2024

… and I wonder


Cute nasi lemak from masjid ❤️

So weekends buat apa? Busy dgn family ke tu? Then got missed my stories or not? When Monday comes, tengok je la as normal. Is that our only connection now? Like you know what I’m up to and you just online gitu by 6pm offline? Nvr take leave ar? Just like that da 1 mth passed eh? Cepat. Macam mana nak stop now? I’m giving myself excuses cos the bff has no socials and she sees my updates there too. But I cannot stop having so many questions. With no answers. Apa lah yang aku bebel ni?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Happiness is

Having all your best friends at the same place! I’m so happy today! The husb took half day so that he could fetch the son from school! And I could send the BFF to her Umrah trip! The bestie teman me all the way from 7am. Then the other BFF took half day too! And my ex FS colleague (from more than 20 years ago! And we last met in 2020) took time off and surprised us there too! All 3 were busy msging me for more info eh. As if I’m the one flying. Tsk. Such a happy day! Alhamdulillah. 

A lil something for the bff’s twinnie.