Monday, September 30, 2024


When you gather all your self-control to not post anything, then you saw the work van. Apakah? But the best friend of all time said it’s Syaitan’s signal when I asked her what kinda signal that was. Hahahaha. Terus bubble burst eh! What would I do without her for the next two weeks? 😭

Sunday, September 29, 2024



Can’t be your Awak cos I’m a Dinda…

Friday, September 27, 2024



This popped out on my FB memories yesterday. 
Can you believe it was back in 2013? That’s like 11 years ago! And until today I had no idea who sent this. It was put on the counter desk. Obviously from the handwriting and that skinny heart, it’s definitely coming from a girl. That’s not unexpected especially a girl student had sent a bouquet of roses to me for helping her throughout her course registrations. I hope all almuni are doing really well and I’m pretty sure some are busy building families too. NTU has nothing but best memories of my life. 🥹

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Big ten


His actual birthday but he’s down with flu. And his Obek sent him 2 pints of ice cream. The parents bought him a Swensens cake. Eh

His frenemy Obek also sent this and it was delivered so timely as we went out for lunch first and were just about to chill when it came. He’s blessed.
 And better be grateful always too.

What you mean cute when you heard me said awak?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

His 10th party

 Unbelievably I’ve been organising parties since 10 years ago. Not that it gets easier and this time nak invite his friends lak. 

Luckily Smiggle had a sale recently so just settled this almost $10 per bag set for the friends. 

Used to love giving the Obeks stuff like Cotton On foundation bags but this time, food will do la. Got to prep about 20 packs ye. 

Food was from Orange Clove again. Sadly no finger food for the kids. Pls do better next time Yam. 
But I’m so thankful and grateful that sil cooked Sayur Lemak, Bubur Chacha, brought grapes too. Another sil brought chocolate and fruit tarts. Mom cooked Roti Kirai, Kari Ayam, Epok2 and roti boyan eh plus pudding eh. 🥹 Nak nangis. 

The 1.5kg cake from Take a bake.
Probably next time can consider bread garden la. 
But their designs very limited. Maybe put our own toppers eh. That might work.

And this one. 🥹🥹
Suddenly sil brought this heavy choc banana tart specially made by the niece. 
So cantik and yummy. 
Boy is so loved laaaa. 

So happy that there’s less toys this time but the cash gifts.
Really really alot. 😭😭

Saturday, September 21, 2024




Friday, September 20, 2024

Move along

“Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall, everyone stands
Another day, and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold
Speak to me
When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through”

- All American Rejects

I’m finally feeling waaaaay better now! But instead of emo and all, i’m feeling a little angry at myself and blamed myself for that roller coaster ride for the last 3 wks or so. And today shall be the last day talking about it to the last friend who needed to know and knock some freaking sense into my thick skull. Better not let that happened ever again. I’m thankful that I’m able to sleep throughout for the past few nights. Oh my precious sleep. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


This was Chinese Garden back in 2010.
Eh da 14 years. Just like that. 😫
And that’s the ex bf eh. Haha.

And this is the new chinese garden. 

Not as majestic as the one at Bird Paradise but still pretty.

This too. 

A new addition.

And this little birdie came out of the bushes and went back in. So thankful that the bf bestie layan my wants of visiting the gardens and even brought along her sturdy tripod. Haha. ❤️

Monday, September 16, 2024

Final me-time for 2024

 Can’t believe today was the final me-time we had. Cos there’s no more 9 hour free slots ever. 😭
So we decided to watch a movie cos bila lagi kan?

What better way for the bestie to choose a blind box only to end up getting the exact same one as mine? Haha.
Truly besties eh? Tak pasal2 kena twinning. 

We also had the whole cinema to ourselves. Not before helping the staff to get rid of a cockroach by using her scotch tape. And this movie was packed with stars eh. Winona looked different. And today a lady wanted to change her note to coins with me at the bus stop. My note got stuck in Daiso’s self checkout machine. 

And last Sat while making payment at Smiggle, the staff said she found me familiar and found out that she’s been seeing me around a lot. Eh scary la. I mean I don’t really notice strangers what more another lady. But to think that someone has been watching you or just remembering you without you realising, aduh. Just like how someone you knew saw you outside but you totally didn’t see that person. Takmo gini ar. 🥴

After 3 days he’s finally seeing my stories again.
Or maybe ter-seen.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Long weeeeeeeek to come

The long wkend’s gone just like that. 
Gotta prep and be ready for the new week. 
Hamik la ejaan, sci spelling and eng spelling back to back. 
Here’s what went down. 


Not sure where to go but ended up at GBTB.
Thankfully cuaca was super clear and sunny.
Happy that I got to see the huge flower carpet. ❤️

Sat was spent at Clementi for some new fish. And who would have thought that we got a pregnant one and tiba je gave birth to so many on the very night. Took the historical banyak kenangan 106 to town to grab halal muah chee and some croissants. 

Went to mom’s today and passed sis her grad flower.
Over achiever this one. Graduated with diploma for her agama class. Already holding degree in pharmaceutical. I’m the one mom brought to the library to study and read books but ended up people watching most of the time. Heh. 

Of course gotta get 1 for myself too and gotten this taro one. Cute eh the wink. Nak nangis but still bz nak wink. Though purple’s not my fave color but at least not the same sky blue which I already have. ✌️

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th

The curse is real. 

Still wakes up at 3ish every. Night. Now.
And tonight can’t be more odd than ever.

Significant date cos the ex bf asked me to be his gf on a Friday the 13th. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Game Over


Haiz. The past 10 days or so. Punya la penat mentally.
Those random cries, those times waking up in the wee hours, those emo games while listening to emo songs. This has got to stop. I remember last time when I went through the break-up of my life, I couldn’t bring myself to listen to any songs cos I knew I would break down instantly. This time eh, even tgh jemur baju bole lalak. What is this sorcery? Probably not too wise yet eh. 

“Your subtleties, they strangle me
I can't explain myself at all
And all the wants and all the needs
All I don't want to need at all

The walls start breathing, my mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone
A weight is lifted on this evening
I give the final blow

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight, it ends tonight

A falling star, at least I fall alone
I can't explain what you can't explain
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight, it ends tonight
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight, it ends tonight
It ends tonight”

- the all-american rejects

Monday, September 9, 2024

I want to thank you


For giving me the best day of my life. In so long. For giving me a roller coaster of emotions. And reignited those feelings. It was nice while it lasted.
Let’s ungiddy this. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Quali-tree time

This was super random. We only planned this last Friday and we made it today! Yes ultra early on a Sunday morning and I really loved the long walk. Must open gate segala. Which we had a hard time trying to open sampai Ah pek asked ‘first time ar?’ Haha

There were many pakcik/abg cyclists ye. Masuk hutan also segan. Nyamuk also segan. Haha. 

After the walk, we continued to Hillion and bff belanja me and sis bf. ❤️

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Eh why lah. Who lah. Curse me till I cannot slp. 
Slp is so precious to me. But last night I slept at almost 2am after counselling sesh with the bestie. 
Give me back my sleep. 😫

And Saturday was spent with the sissies. Making our own leather bag for the first time ever.
Eh the stitching eh. My finger almost blistered from all the saddle stitching. I don’t really like how the leather turned out with those creases but I used pink thread and also pink strap as seen. And we got the customised name tag as well. Siap nama penuh ku letak. 

“Kau buatku terjatuh dan terjatuh lagi
Membuatku merasakan yang tak terjadi
Semua yang terbaik dan yang terlewati
Semua yang terhenti tanpa kuakhiri”

Friday, September 6, 2024



When even the game you’re playing, hit you right up. In the face. I thought I would only be sleepless last night cos I woke up at 2, couldn’t get back to slp by 3am. Anxiety? Maybe? Then tonight asal lak?? Wasn’t I sleepy? Tired? Hangry (okla no more)? And of all days you didn’t ask me to eat lunch today and you know what? I didn’t had lunch at all. Yes although I was hungry by the time I walked out. I only grabbed a 90 cents bottled drink and stole mom’s 1 skinny piece fried thigh. 😭 Now that the batt’s left 30%, I’ll try to sleep with my stye on. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Today is full of urgh moments. Entah la why.
Probably it’s been really a long time since I felt hangry. Sampai stomping out the place eh.

Began on the train when it got stalled and announcements made about their engineers doing the checks. The last time that happened there was such a long delay. And I needed to be at my destination before noon. Reached near mom’s then we heard a really loud song being played. Eh eh. Pastu at Coffee Bean ada pulak yg bebual so loud on the phone until semua org tahu what’s happening at home. 

Reached almost noon then msg but was nvr seen. I waited for almost an hour eh baru bole jumpa and itupun for less than a minute agaknye. Entah la. 

But the good thing about today I felt that I gave alot and it was reciprocated almost immediately. That came in a form of Cheer Bear. It’s probably the same bear that we saw at Westgate but he bought it in the East now. So it’s really true what they say, you’d get what you give and also what’s meant to be yours will eventually be yours no matter how long or quick. 😭😭😭😭 I want to go back into my shell! 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

R a n d o m n e s s

This was rather impromptu. Decided to catch Deadpool though the movie’s out for some time. Can’t remember what was my last movie. Was it Inside Out? It was almost 9pm show but the theatre’s still half filled. 
Now I know why that song’s been playing in my head. And eh got green day too! Sedih. Emo.

Brought out my Mary Janes. No more blister pls.

Pretty yummy hazelnut ice cream with plain waffle. Even the plain plate is plaining. Hah.

Abeh dia tgk my stories. Abeh how? Sakit perut eh.